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Call for Papers


International Symposium

Virtual Learning Systems for Business Organizations

PDVSA-CIED, Av. Del Hatillo, intersection La Tahona

Caracas, November 4-5, 1999


Symposium Topics


Without restrictive character, the following discussion topics are proposed. The contributions of participants may deal with one or more topics - whenever they are adjusted to the format specifications given below.

  1. Interactive Distance Education Systems for business
  2. Experiences on Computer Based Training
  3. Simulation Models applied to the learning of job competencies
  4. Telematic Networks and Collaborative Learning in the corporations
  5. Videoconferencing in the corporate atmosphere: modalities, experiences
  6. Knowledge Support Systems in the Organizations
  7. Communities of Learning within business organizations, and between business and universities
  8. Virtualización of Training: Virtual Classroom, Virtual Projects, Virtual University, Teleworking
  9. Design and development of Corporate Virtual Universities in autonomous form or in cooperation with Academia
  10. Cultural change of organizations under the influence of the new technologies of information and communication
  11. Assessment of the impact and efficiency of the New Technologies
  12. Programs of national and international cooperation in training , based on the Internet.

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